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since 2001

E-Commerce Website Design by Wolverhampton Web Designers

Wolverhampton based professional UK website designers providing e-commerce and internet solutions for companies of all sizes throughout the Midlands and beyond.

What is E-Commerce?

E-commerce (also called e-business) is a term generally applied to electronic business transactions conducted over the Internet. Famous examples of e-commerce websites are Amazon and Ebay.

E-commerce E-conomics

E-commerce is worth billions of pounds and is growing each day. Every business, no matter how small, can benefit from it. E-commerce is changing the face of countless industries and gWeb have the expertise to help businesses take their share of this massive international market.

E-commerce websites can be complex. They can be database-driven sites that cross-reference stock, tallying goods inwards with sales (less returns, damages, etc), producing not only a sales media but a means of efficiently keeping business records. But e-commerce websites can be simple affairs, selling a single item or asking for a donation. At gWeb, we have the skills and drive to match your e-commerce needs to your budget, enabling you to take your place in the global e-commerce market.

Just because a website may earn you a fortune, it doesn't mean it has to cost one!


When dealing with financial transactions, security is essential. Therefore we only work with specialist merchants when it comes to taking money online.

We primarily work with WorldPay and PayPal to ensure secure online transactions. These companies are experts in their field. However, gWeb are happy to incorporate payment options from other Merchant Banks to meet your specific requirements.


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